Dental Implant Post-Op Instructions


  1. Bite with firm pressure on the gauze for 20 minutes.
  2. Ice packs may be used to reduce any swelling, after the implant and for the next 24 hours. Keep the ice packs on for 20 minutes at a time. Be sure to keep a cloth between the ice and your skin.
  3. If bleeding starts again, put gauze, a wad of cotton, or a clean white cloth over the area. Bite on the gauze with firm, steady pressure for 30 minutes. Do not chew on gauze.
  4. For the first 24 hours, brush your remaining teeth 3 times daily. Don’t rinse your mouth or use mouthwash unless directed otherwise.
  5. If you have pain, take pain pills as directed on the package or bottle. Take any other medication as directed.
  6. Drink lots of fluids and eat anything you can swallow; except for foods such as nuts, potato chips, spicy foods, etc…


  2. DO NOT drink with a straw for 24 hours.
  3. DO NOT spit. Spitting will cause more bleeding. Lots of saliva and a little blood may look like a lot of bleeding.
  4. DO NOT drink alcoholic beverages for 24 hours.


  1. Black and blue marks are bruises. Do not worry if this occurs.
  2. It is advised that you return home and rest after your implant.
  3. If the pain increases after the first 72 hours, or if abnormal bleeding continues, call.
  4. Call the office to report any condition that appears unusual.

If you have any questions regarding your dental implants or post-op instructions, contact your doctor at: (614)476-6696